Random things I have on my desk and why they're there

I wanted to write a real-life-problems, sit-down-and-chat kind of post today on my thoughts about current events, but as of yet, I can't get my thoughts streamlined into something that would make sense or something that wouldn't just feel all-around negative. So I guess that particular post is going to have to wait for a later date.

Instead, we're going for the random. XD Let's talk about what stuff I have on my disaster of a desk!

An alarm clock
Why is it here?
Because I need to know what time it is. Sure, there's a clock already on my computer screen, and there's one on my phone, too, but when I'm working on something that isn't on my laptop, and I don't really want to be looking at my phone, the alarm clock is here.

A tiny gold trophy
Why is it here?
It's the writing sprint trophy! My dad won it in an RC car race years ago, and he gave it to me, so now when we do writing sprints during NaNoWriMo, whoever writes the most words the fastest gets the trophy until someone else takes it from them. I'm bad at writing sprints, so I very seldom win. But I'm the keeper of the trophy when it's not NaNoWriMo, so that's why I have it.

A jar full of brown sea glass
Why is it here?
Honestly, I'm not sure. A while ago I thought it would be cool to make a mosaic or something out of beer glass from the beach, so I collected a ton of brown glass, but I never did it, and for some reason, the glass is just sitting in a jar now. I need to do something about it, really.

A mini 'work zone' cone
Why is it here?
Because my mom bought it for me. My desk is my work zone, so work zone cone it is.

A glass orb with fish in it
Why is it here?
..... again, not really sure. I found it at a flea market years ago, and I'd kind of like to get rid of it, but I want to know the fish are going to a good home(even though they're only glass), so I just haven't done anything with it yet.

It's cute tho

A clay map of an archipelago
Why is it here?
It's waiting for a story. I made a salt dough map a while ago of a bunch of islands, and now I'm saving it for when I write a story that happens in the archipelago. It needs a story. And until it has one, it's not going anywhere.

Pens and pencils
Why are they here?
Because of reasons. I go through a lot of pens and pencils, and I could win an Olympic medal for losing them, so I always need more. All the pens and pencils!

A cairn
Why is it here?
A good question. It's not really a cairn, cuz from what I remember from school a cairn is actually either a place where you leave messages or a pile of rocks that you put over a grave, but it's a fun word, so my smol stack of rocks is called The Cairn. I just collected some random rocks from the driveway and stacked them and now they live on my desk. I can't really tell you any more than that because that's all I know.

An endless pile of sticky notes
Why is it here?
Hahahahahahaha because I use too many sticky notes. I write lists on them, I write notes on them, I draw doodles on them, I calculate numbers on them, I do worldbuilding and character notes on them and stick them to more sticky notes to be stuck in a notebook, I cut them and make them into disposable mustaches for sketches.

I'm going to take this moment to extend a formal apology to all the trees I've killed with my sticky note addiction.

So that's my desk. I wrote a 'messy desk' tag if you wanted to try it out: click for link Other than that, that's all I've got for today! Have a great day, and keep writing! I'll see you on Tuesday. :)


  1. This sounds like a fun eclectic desk! I'll have to go check out the messy desk tag--my desk is often a floating raft of nonsense.

    1. 'A floating raft of nonsense' 😂 Same here

  2. I can so relate to the sticky note collection. I have an ever-growing pile of used sticky notes beside my keyboard. XD

  3. Okay, I love this post! Such a fun little idea - and a cool way to show us a little bit more about you. I love the tiny gold trophy being used for writing sprints! What a fun idea. And I love "the Cairn". :D


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