A List of Quirks For Your Character: Part 3!!!

Aright, you know what's up. We did part 1(link here) and part 2(link here) of Personality Quirks to Give Your Character, so let's do another one!

1. Nothing is sour/bitter/spicy enough. Must have all the flavor.

2. Does that progression from humming softly to humming louder to singing under their breath to belting the chorus at TOP VOLUME.

3. Is never fully awake before 1 pm.

4. Unnecessary number of hairbands on wrist.

5. Sings Christmas music even when it's not Christmas.

6. Makes really bad puns.

7. Changes sitting position every few seconds.

8. Sends music they like to the people they love.

9. Makes things out of whatever objects are within reach.

10. Writes only with pens.

11. They're smart, but they're so bad at explaining what they're thinking that no one knows they're smart.

12. Loves hugs. Really, really, loves hugs.

13. Extremely supportive of anything their friends are interested in.

14. 3-second shower person.

15. Neat freak.

And that's the list for today! Which one was your favorite? Shall I do another? Leave me a comment with your opinion!


  1. Great list. Number 10 is interesting. I write with pencils unless I'm filling out a check.

    1. Glad you liked it! I do the same thing with the pencils because I make altogether too many mistakes for them all to he permanent. 😂


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