A List of Quirks For Your Character (Part 2! See, I remembered!)

Here's assuming you read part of A List of Quirks to Give Your Character, but if you haven't, click the link to read it! Today is a continuation of the same list, so more options! You get a character quirk! You get a character quirk! Everybody gets a character quirk!

Okay, enough worn-out memes. Let's start the list.

1. Can't stand still.

2. Stares unintentionally then kicks him/herself when it weirds someone out.

3. Is too rough with things.

4. Constantly experimenting with new styles of clothing/shoes/hairstyle/hair color/makeup.

5. Hoards insignificant things that hold sentimental importance to them.

6. Mentally makes comparisons between people they meet and animals/colors/seasons.

7. Grumpy when hungry or tired.

8. Is genuinely confused about a common fact (the sun goes around the earth, red and green make purple), and it's too funny for anyone to correct them.

9. Talks too much/not enough to cover the subject.

10. Has an allergy to a really strange food ingredient.

11. Spins objects on tips of fingers when bored.

12. No one can ever tell if they're serious.

13. Can't read cursive.

14. Extremely good at something small(making perfectly mixed batter, rolling the right number on the dice, opening soda bottles).

15. Loves a weird genre of music(classical music played electric, pop songs played in string quartet style, dubstep remixes).

16. Walks with a very heavy stride.

17. Walks very lightly and scares people by accident.

18. Loves to play with sharp objects- but would never hurt a fly.

19. Draws everyone they know as cartoons.

20. Possesses no matching socks.

21. Wears clothes that are too big.

22. Insists the weird idiom they use is something people say.

23. Looks older/younger than they are and uses it to their advantage.

24. Has horrible posture.

And that's today's list! The crowd of quirky characters that commandeered the inside of my brain from the last post has now doubled in number. It's great.

What's your favorite character quirk you've seen? What was your favorite from this list? Let's talk in the comments!


  1. Ooo, love this post! My favorite might have to be "can’t read cursive" - that’s a really unique quirk!

    1. I may or may not have partially based it upon myself. I am a leftie so I don't write cursive so well, therefore I don't see it as much as others and can't read it as easily. Glad you liked the post!

  2. I love them all!!! So glad you did a part 2! 👏💕

    1. Me too! I may have to come up with a bunch more of this same style since I enjoy it so much, and y'all like it a lot too as an added bonus. XD


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