Even More Things Only Writers Understand

You thought I was done with the obsessive Buzzfeed-like posts of gifs and memes? Well, you were wrong! Because here comes another one!!!

Constant glitches in self-confidence.

Getting into the groove, then someone interrupts.

Actually needing to know punctuation??

That moment of 'aha!'

THAT pencil.
You know the one. The one that feels just right in your hand, that gives you the elegantly, perfectly dark lines, that has the perfect eraser, that seems to write the best ideas. THAT pencil.

Imagining the book as a movie, but...

Getting to the part where you have to outline it, then having a small moment of panic because you don't feel ready.

Actually enjoying torturing your characters' poor souls, then wondering if there's something wrong with you.

The others in this series:
Things Only Writers Understand
More Things Only Writers Understand

Which of these was your favorite? What's something you go through that only writers would understand? Let me know in the comments!


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