The Fandom Taggggggggg

Well well well, I'm back again! Thought you'd gotten rid of me, hadn't you? (fool)

My dear dear sister Rachel tagged me to do this post, and she knew I was looking for a reason to scream about all the niche fandoms I'm in, so I'll take it!

Let's talk fandoms.

The Rules

-Include the graphic somewhere in your post
-Answer the questions
-And tag two fellow fan people to answer them too!

The Questions

1. What's the first fandom you remember becoming a part of?
Narnia!! Narnia has been a huge obsession of mine since I was super small, I distinctly remember every Narnia movie and book in existence, my favorite may be the Last Battle(I know, sorry)... Narnia is unbeatable good, what more can I say?

seratonin: boosted

2. What's the newest fandom you've come to enjoy?
I'm taking this as being the most recent fandom I've come to enjoy in my life, not the newest thing to come out, because I'm not super sure how to interpret this.

One of the fandoms I've become part of more recently is Avatar: The Last Airbender! I don't even remember who convinced me to watch it but dangggggggggggggg. I'm still recovering from like every episode that happened. Aang is a cutie and Zuko(aka 'the fire guy' by my younger siblings) is my child and this show made my heart bleed a thousand different ways.

Hmm, maybe I should watch ATLA again....

3. What's the fandom guaranteed to give you feels?

*cries in time lord*

4. What's a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?
Caraval. Y'know, the whole trilogy. I'm putting this under guilty pleasure because it's honestly a little spicier than I like sometimes, and I still (spoilers) think that Tella should have gone with the Prince of Hearts instead Legend, but let's be real here, neither of them were really a good or healthy option.

but I love love love the rich descriptions in these books, and the magic, and the carnival element, and the dresses. Can we please talk about the dresses. I would probably knife a man in the face to get one of those dresses.

5. What's the weirdest fandom you've heard of/are a part of?
Things are getting weird. This is my time to shine.

I have a lot of weird fandoms that I'm a part of, so let's do a list:
  • Skulduggery Pleasant (Irish urban fantasy about an undead skeleton with magic powers and his sassy sidekick)
  • Locke and Key (Netflix show, it's about a family that discovers that there's a dark secret behind their family legacy of.... having magic keys??? I think??)
  • Edgar Allan Poe (a high key obsession of mine since middle school)
  • The Promised Neverland (aww it's a cute little orphanage of sweet kids oh snap they're actually being farmed as meat)
  • Gregor the Overlander (Kid from NYC falls down a grate in a laundry room and discovers a war is apparently happening under the city between humans and giant rats/insects)

6. Favorite popular/widely-known fandom?
I don't have a lot of favorite fandoms that are very widely known, so we're going with LOTR as a safe choice. Like Narnia, I was basically raised on Lord of the Rings, and if you think Boromir was genuinely a bad person I'll meet you in the parking lot at 6, bring your weapon of choice.


7. Favorite bookish fandom?
Bringing it back to Skulduggery Pleasant. I mean really, there's dry humor and fireballs being thrown and awesome unique characters of both genders... what's there not to like? Did I also mention the amazing cars? 

plz someone else read these, the fandom is almost exclusively Irish and I have no friends who read it

8. What do you consider your "homebase", the fandom you can always come back to?
Ninjago! Ninjago! JUMP UP KICK BACK WHIP AROUND- Okay okay okay, for real, did anyone else watch Ninjago as a kid? It was a total obsession with me and my siblings, and to this day they are some of my favorite characters of all time. Lloyd is my child, but really all of them are my favorites. The writers of this show made such a strong cast, kudos to them. *serves tea*

9. What's a fandom you know all about. . . but aren't actually into?
Yet again, my time to shine!

I'm not a star wars person. I know, I know.

 I'm aware it's a fantastic story, and trust me I love what a fantastic story it is, and it has an absolutely amazing soundtrack, but I dunno. It's never really been my thing, I've seen all the movies twice but they just don't grab me like they do everyone else. Once a year on May the 4th, I wish everyone a happy star wars day and go watch anime while the rest of the family plows through all the Star Wars movies their brains can handle.

10. Which fandom has the best characters?
Can I say Skulduggery Pleasant again? Okay, but hear me out. This series has some of the best characters ever. 

They're made up of contradictions, like real people, their morality sits in different shades of grey and they have different things they're loyal to and care about, like real people, they're built on long-term change arcs as they slowly morph into different people over like 8 books, like real people, the girl characters are written by a guy but are actually really good girl characters??? What is this sweet heaven of beautimous characters??

11. Name your all time favorite ship.
Good news, this one isn't Skulduggery Pleasant. Normally I would say Hiccup and Astrid, because they're amazing and such a good example of staying together through thick and thin and having a loving healthy relationship, but since Rachel already said Hiccup and Astrid, I'm going to go with this one:

*chefs kiss*
I nearly chose someone from the Lunar Chronicles, but as they are all the best ship ever I could not choose, so I'll go with the perfection pictured above.

12. What's a fandom you're curious about joining?
I've been told by several different people that I should try out Death Note, and I'm really planning to because it sounds like the sort of dark epic show I'd like, but as I'm in the middle of watching Haikyuu on Netflix right now, Death Note will have to wait. But I'm looking forward to trying!

An honorable mention I should put here is The Unanswered Questions by Lauren D Fulter, because from what I've heard that book is fantastic and hilarious, and it really sounds like my thing. I plan to buy it and try it out soon!

I tag. . .
Samantha at Bookshire

I can't remember for the life of me if either of you even do tags, so if you don't pay no mind to this tag. But I have so few people I can tag for posts, so thank you for letting me use your names XD

Screaming about fandoms over! See you with my next post!


  1. Cooool! Really fun read! I wanna do this tag some day. Also High five to a new-ish ALTA fan :D

  2. You have definitely convinced me to try out Skullduggery Pleasant! It's going on my TBR!
    Thanks for the tag! I actually did this one recently, so I'll save your nomination for a rainy day. :)

    1. No worries I just needed someone to name 😂


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