Archer and Wick- A Bit of Flash Fiction For You

So I wrote some short scenes with Archer and Wick before I ever wrote the novel to try to get their dynamic down pat, and even after writing the first book in the trilogy, I'm.... still... writing the little scenes? Like, why?

I don't know.

But I do know that I'm posting some of them for your personal viewing enjoyment. This first one is just a little one I did from a writing prompt in Ready, Set, Novel! where they suggested you write a scene where your characters discuss their first memories.

I just gotta say, I love their dynamic in this scene. Click on the image below to be taken straight to the free PDF, and read away!

I plan to post some more of these in the future as well, since I have at least one other little scene like this, one short story completed, and another short story stewing in my brain, so keep an eye out for those!!

See you on Tuesday with another post!


  1. Nice. What do you do to make your cover pages?

    1. I download royalty free stock photos from websites like Pexels or Pixabay and edit them myself in PicMonkey. It's a lot of fun!


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