The Sunshine Blogger Award
No, it's true, nobody nominated me, but I liked the questions, so I award myself. *applauds for myself* Ok. I stole this from The Life of an Elf, thanks girl!
Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them. (done and done. Just click the blog name above to be taken to Lacy's blog).
List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post.
Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and notify them by commenting on any of their posts.
Ask the nominees 11 new questions.
And now my answers!
1) Favorite scene from a book (can be a WIP)?
Um um off the top of my head the scene from The Invention of Hugo Cabret where they break open the box of pictures from the top of the armoir and all the pictures fall out. Like sometimes I just pick up a book to read one part again and that is one of them.
2) Tea or Coffee (the dangerous question :P)?
Descend upon me and tear my heart out, for I hate tea. It just tastes like hot flavored water. No thankee! Give me my frozen coffee and frappuccinos any day of the week.
3) Most important goal for 2019? Oy lemme get out my page of 2019 goals to check.
Okay, and we're back. My biggest practical, everyday-life-goal is to get a car. I have been at my job for over a year now, and I have a good amount of money to buy a car, but I just need to find the right one. ;)
Biggest goal as far as aspirations-in-life-type-goals was to publish Crash and Burn, and I have done that! If you like heartrending YA, and sweet friendships, and space stations, and my attempted humor, check it out:
4) Song you've discovered recently? Had to check through my Youtube history to find this again. I've been listening to a lot of LoFi music lately, and this one was just so sweet and I loved it. It's called All Over Again by Kai Dreams.
And it's not a song but this album by We Lost the Sea that I ran across earlier this week was just. So. Good.
And I will never get over God Only Knows by forKINGANDCOUNTRY. Never. It is so beautiful and rips a hole straight through my heart. But in a good way. :)
5) How many pets do you have?
Alas, I personally have no pets. But my family does! We have a tank full of fish and a tiny shark and an occasional beta and little black cat named Cheshire. She is a very cute demon cat and we love her.
6) In your opinion, what is the most overrated emoji? This one. 🍥 Idk what this thing even is. Or the head massage emoji. Does anybody honestly get a head massage often enough to need an emoji for it? 7) In the car: radio or no? Lolololololol. I cannot function in the car without music going. Whether it's the radio or Pandora or just me singing whatever song is stuck in my head, I must have music. 8) Headphones or earbuds? Oh, you've opened a topic now. Okay, here's the thing:
I like earbuds a lot. They fit in my purse so I keep them there for when I need them, and you can put in only one if you want to still be able to hear. But! They keep breaking too fast for me to use them sustainably with my computer. So I have headphones to use with my computer. I find that they last longer. They are also very photogenic, as shown by my Instagram, and you can hang them nicely around your neck.
So, my answer is technically both, because one works better for one purpose and the other for another. So, both.
9) What do you have a possibly unhealthy stash of? Unhealthy stash? I would never dream of having an unhealthy stash of anything! Candy. And also notebooks. I have too many notebooks. I'm drowning in them as I buy another one! I can't breathe for all the paper! Send help! 10) Would you rather have a pet giraffe or live in Antarctica with the penguins? The giraffe, because on most days you couldn't pay me to go near somewhere cold. 11) Did you laugh at any of these questions? :)
The emoji question was awesome. XD
Well, those were my answers! Now for questions to ask my nominees!
1) What is the song you know every word to?
2) If you could have any Avenger as your roommate, who would it be?
3) What food would you eat for a solid week?
4) You're going to battle against the boss villain. What fictional mentor are you bringing back to life to give you advice?
5) What is the funniest joke you've heard recently?
6) In your opinion, what is the best book in the world?
7) What is your least favorite genre?
8) If you could have food from any restaurant right now, where are you ordering and what are you getting?
9) What social medias do you have?
10) What is your favorite picture of yourself?
11) What was the last thing you received in the mail?
Rachel of R's Loft
Nicole of Legend of a Writer
Aaaaand I don't know enough people. If you want the tag, steal it! You deserve an award anyway!
See you on Tuesday!
Thank you for the tag! I’ll try to get around to doing it any day now. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat IS that emoji? I honestly have no idea. XD
I look forward to seeing your answers. 😆
DeleteFor King and Country is my favorite band! I love all of their songs!
ReplyDeleteThey have so many good ones! Burn the Ships is another great one.