A Tale of Me Liking Scary

Storytime! When I was little, I actually didn't like scary stuff. Like, at all. There was a certain henchman character in a certain Barbie film which will remain unnamed for the sake of my dignity (people who know me, if you comment and say what it is, so help me I'll delete it) that terrified me half out of my mind. I refused to watch said movie because the henchmen were too scary.

And if you've ever seen literally any Barbie movie, you know that they aren't really. . . that scary? Like, at all? I used to read these bunny Dracula books when I was little (just a little real-life foreshadowing of the vampire I would become), and those were scarier than the henchmen in that Barbie movie.

So, since I hated being scared of everything and being mocked for being scared of those henchmen, I numbed myself. I just sort of. . . turned the scared off. I became more and more numbed to the scary stuff, and now I can handle more scary than almost anyone in my family.

I guess you could say I overcompensated.

So that's what led me to be the psycho I am today. I own a Grim Reaper Beanie Boo, okay?

Image result for beanie boo grim reaper
Him is adorable.

I don't even get nightmares anymore, not really. It probably helps that I don't normally remember my dreams, but if a dream really impacts me mentally, I'll remember it, and the few nightmares I get seldom get through there.

However, the few that make it through are really, really good ones. Ones that are very good material for scary stories.

Here on this blog, you know me well for fantasy and sci-fi, but those aren't the only genres I write in. I have written some full-on creepypastas, and a couple of them might have been kind of good, I don't have a lot of practice. My favorite thing to do is to involve the scarier elements into the books I write. I love to read a good fantasy or sci-fi with scary elements (i.e. Lockwood and Co.) and writing such things is even more of a pleasure because I pull the strings! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

For example, in Spell City, an urban fantasy I wrote and one of my favorite things I've ever written(which reminds me, I need to edit that sometime), the villain was very, very scary. She had a creepy nature, she had a creepy demon bird, she was FABULOUS. I really need to edit that novel. It's scary and yet good now, but it could be so much better.

So that's the story of how I became such a psycho, and a bit more about me as a writer besides. By the way, what do you think of now having 2 posts a week? The stuff you're used to on Tuesday, then another post on Thursday that's more freestyle. Let me know what you think!

Do you like to write scary? What genres do you write in? Tell me in the comments!

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  1. I love the horror genre, I don't know how I became like this though because my mom would only let me watch Winnie the Pooh for the longest time as a kid. I remember her getting mad at my dad for letting me watch Sleeping Beauty. :P

    I like the two posts a week, keep it up! <3


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