May 2020 Wrapup

So uh....

I'm still waiting for my job to open back up. I don't know when it will be, but being at home for two months is kind of weird. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm really going to miss my weekends and like... having a predictable schedule? But seriously, can I get back to work now?

*shrugs* Let's start the May wrapup!

Writing is going ok! I finally got back into a groove where I feel like editing is going pretty good, but this week I have to set up my plan to rewrite a scene that I already rewrote in the last draft, so *huffs* i'M fInE. No really. I just gotta swallow my ego and accept that I didn't rewrite it perfectly the first time.

I also drafted another short story with Wick and Archer. I realized that I've kind of forgotten to create any content with them recently, which obviously no one is expecting from me, per se, but I'm enjoying creating small pieces of content to distract myself from how ambitious the main project is? So yeah I might write some flash fiction with them sometime soon.

Yeah, as far as writing May has just been a steady grind at editing.

I didn't make a massive amount of art this month, but it's not like I didn't draw. Here's the dump:

Drew this random picture of a girl. I accidentally made her look like Dodge
 from Locke and Key, but that was not the intention XD

Wick and Archerrrrrr

I drew this inspired by a picture from Pinterest.

I've also been drawing a lot of chibis in the last couple days.

This month's most popular post was (drum roll please) Words That Will Only Hurt Writers(A Humor Post)

I'm really proud cuz my numbers this month are higher than normal, which might mean that my reach?? is growing???? Excuse me WHAT?????

ANYway, other posts this month included:

Not a half bad lineup, if I do say so myself.

Normal life has been pretty boring. Nothing exciting has happened that I can think of. But then again, this is quarantine, things happening is illegal. XD

My church has been able to meet in person again rather than just over Zoom, which has been amazing. We were even able to have a socially distanced picnic lunch at someone's house.

I've also been experimenting with makeup a lot because um I'm bored and if the look sucks at least I don't have to be at work in 20 minutes? Here are some of my favorites:

We've also been watching a lot of James Bond and other fandoms to pass the time. Lots of TV. Maybe too much....? Nope, you can never have too much TV.

Well, that's all for this month's wrapup! Did you do anything interesting in May? Let's talk down in the comments!


  1. "Things happening is illegal" wow, that hits close to home XD.

    My May was good, but I'm more excited for June and being done with school so I can read ludicrous numbers of books again (currently I'm only reading ridiculous amounts of books, lol).

    1. Big woohoo for being done with school and getting to read again! 🥳

  2. That drawing of Wick and Archer reminds me a LOT of Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens.

    1. They're only a little inspired by Aziraphale and Crowley 🙈 I love their banter.

    2. Saaaammmee. The best bois.


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