why I don't write a lot of instructional posts

 I know most of the people in the writer blogisphere write things like '5 ways to write a character arc' or 'how to avoid a boring plot', and I love reading those! They're super helpful and sometimes you can get some super good techniques from writer bloggers. But while I love reading those posts and linking them to this blog when they're relevant, I just... don't feel like I'm one of them?

Now, I'm sure that this is all just a matter of perspective, but I never feel educated enough on most topics to feel like I could instruct someone else. I know I don't know everything there is to know about it, and I know I don't do any kind of writing thing flawlessly, so I don't feel that I should be telling people the right way to do something when I don't think I do it the right way.

Again, this might just be a matter of perspective, but that's how I feel.

So that's why I've gone the direction I have with this blog. Rather than tell people how to do things, which I know I couldn't do, I do different stuff instead. I try to make people laugh and commiserate with them over the difficulties of writing. And when I do offer writing advice, it's usually in the form of ideas rather than instruction. I try to help people think outside the box and break down old tropes that are useless now.

That's what I've chosen, and I like it.

Honestly, it's so bad that way back when I wrote The Beginner's Guide To Story Structure, I didn't feel like I should be telling people all this stuff. I still struggle with story structure and getting all the pieces to do what they're supposed to do. I can't flawlessly find all the points and describe why they're relevant the way that K.M. Weiland or Abbie Emmons can. I watch most movies and the plot structure flies straight over my head. I don't want to educate on topics I don't understand.

So I don't. This is what I've chosen, and I've been thinking a lot about it lately, so I thought I'd write about it so I could get the words out of my brain.

Thank you for reading this random assortment of words that fell out of my brain. Getting this far means that you get a free virtual high-five! *smack* Anyway that will be all for today, and you'll see me again on Tuesday with another post! Byeeeeeeeeeee


  1. *high-fives back* I feel the EXACT SAME WAY. Every time I write an instructional post, even if I'm drawing inspiration from a book or TV show for it, I always feel like I'm not experienced enough to give "writing advice" or anything. But hey, if everyone wrote instructional posts, the blogosphere would be a boring place. ;)

    1. You make a good point! Man, I'm so glad I'm not alone on this.

  2. Thank you for the high-five! :) I know the feeling! I only really give instructions for things like...why you should read the books I love. Haha. But I really enjoy the direction you've gone with your blog, with the humor and everything! (Wow, that was a little random)

    1. Don't worry, my whole blog is random, all randomness is welcome. Hey, I will take instructions on what books to read. I'm always up for a good book. :)


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