Optimists vs. Pessimists: These Terms Are Not What You Think
The terms optimist and pessimist have a different connotation today than they were originally meant to. These words used to mean individual things, not represent ridiculous stereotypes. But as culture has changed and as stories have taken more and more precedence in our daily lives, we become more accustomed to keeping certain terms confined to the four walls of the little boxes we put them in. For example, these days the word pessimist means someone who thinks only dark and depressing things of everyone. An Eeyore, a Grumpy Smurf, someone who never smiles and eats gruel three meals a day. The word optimist is hardly better. Optimists are thought to be obnoxious and delusional. They see no wrong and think the whole world is made of rainbows and cupcakes. Think Smurfette. This is how we've been shaped to think by stereotypes in the stories around us. And because we've been taught to think this way, this is how we think we should act as an optimist or a...