A List of Quirks To Give Your Character

My all-time favorite way to make interesting characters is to give them a weird quirk or mannerism, like whistling, wearing three hair bands on the wrist for unknown reasons, stuff like that. Even if it barely makes it into the finished novel or (horror of horrors) doesn't make it into the finished novel at all, it adds to the feel of your character and gives you a fun vision for them.

So let's find some character quirks for our sweet babies, shall we?

1. Gets attached to small, cute things and cries when something happens to those small, cute things.

2. Is easily irritated by one specific little thing (people pronouncing something wrong, tripping over things, beans in random foods)

3. Obsessed with a certain food, song or show.

4. Whistles or hums constantly.

5. Constantly eating.

6. Walks on tiptoes.

7. Refuses to buy anything regular price.

8. Extremely resilient to heat/cold.

9. Overly sympathetic.

10. Puts little braids in hair (could be a nervous trait, or just does it when bored).

11. Draws on cuffs of jackets/cuffs of jeans/sneakers.

12. Needs to have one particular object with them constantly.

13. Uses phone a lot- for research.

14. Wears headphones with no music playing.

15. Shares songs with other people as a form of showing trust to their inner circle.

16. Changes clothes more than once a day (could apply to girls or guys).

17. Always losing things.

18. Can guess random facts about people accurately(clothing size, favorite food, weight, height).

19. Mumbles when defending others or self.

20. Writes/draws little things on theirs or other people's stuff.

21. Uses karate on people for fun (no one wants to tell them about the bruises they get from it).

22. Constantly looking for 'the perfect _____' (a food, a certain sweater of a specific color and texture, a pinecone).

23. Has a song for everything. Life with them is a living musical.

24. Quotes famous people perpetually.

25.  Does origami with any material within arm's reach.

I now have about fifty new characters living in my head that I took from putting this list together. Excuse me, I need to go write a novel where they all save the world together.

What's your favorite character quirk you've seen? What was your favorite from this list? Let's talk in the comments!

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  1. Ooh, 17 reminds me of myself! :P
    Nice list, Bethany. :)

    1. Lol I'm good at losing things too. And thank you!

  2. Gah!!! I love quirky traits so flippin' much! :O
    I have an unpublished story where the main guy really loves potatoes (as do I), so yeah that's one of my fav quirks.
    This list is great!! I just might have to use #7, #10, and #20...

    1. I know right?? And #7 may or may not have been based on myself...

  3. One of the main characters in my upcoming urban fantasy novel has meticulous routine for preparing a cup of coffee (which she drinks from morning to nightfall).

    1. Ooh I like that! Little quirky bits of routine really add a lot to a character.

    2. Thank you. The routine sometimes annoys her boyfriend but he buys the coffee, the additives, (and chocolates) to keep her happy.

  4. One of my characters refuses to eat venison but loves chicken.

    1. Oh! I once had a character who was undercover as someone else, but she was allergic to a food the other person was not, so she had to take a stomach illness to avoid eating it.


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