About the Baby Yoda/egg eating controversy...
[If you haven't seen at least up to the Asokah episode of the Mandalorian, you're probably going to find spoilers. You've been warned.]
So here's the thing, guys. For some reason with this season of the Mandalorian, people are causing controversy with almost every episode? I don't know if it's just people taking out their 2020 tension, or if there's actually something to cause a controversy about, but that's what seems to be happening.
But we're not talking about all the controversies on a whole. Today we're just talking about one: the egg-eating controversy. And why I think people are way overreacting to it.
So here it is: first of all, Baby Yoda himself. Even though I'm a little confused on how his obvious baby maturity and baby noises stack up against how he's been trained under many masters and seen the rise and fall of empires, the thing is that he's still a baby. Albeit a very confusing baby. The 50 years old thing and still being a baby I can wrap my mind around. Somehow still being an old soul even though he can't even talk I can't really wrap my head around yet. With that aside, what I'm getting at is that he is a baby, in general terms, and he seems to have the moral compass of a three-year-old. Sure, he tried to force choke Cara Dune, my favorite character, but he only did it because he thought that her winning an arm-wrestling competition was somehow threatening to Mando. He didn't know how to assess if there was danger or not. Like a kid.
So therefore my argument is that he is too little to understand that eating the lizard eggs was wrong. He wasn't actively choosing it because 'mwahahaha genocide', he ate them because he wanted a snacky-snack and the eggs tasted good. It's already been proven that he has a taste for amphibians/lizards, so the eggs just tasted good to him.
The other point I wanted to make is that(okay, get ready to judge me) in a weird way, I liked it. Before you stone me, I'll tell you why. Star Wars has always caused controversies over the moral ambiguity of some characters' actions. The tale is age-old of how(in the original cut of the film) Han actually did shoot first because that's just his character, but it outraged the audiences, so later they changed the entire movie file so that the opponent actually shot first, provoking Han Solo shooting back.
If you want another example of what I'm talking about here, think of.... um, almost any other character in Star Wars. All of them have done something at some time or another that was morally ambiguous or frowned upon, and that's just how it is. There's a great range of different moralities throughout the series, which is something I admire despite not really being a Star Wars person myself.
Therefore, my argument is that Baby Yoda perfectly fits into the Star Wars universe because he has now done the morally ambiguous act that everyone took notice of. Even if he is a baby, as I previously said, and he probably didn't even know that what he was doing was really wrong, it still makes him fit in, and I like it like that.
There, that's the end of my over-reading into the Mandalorian. If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them below!
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