Kinds of NaNoWriMo Participants(a funny post)

 Here we go again with putting everyone in categories! There are probably a million that I've missed, but here are some of the most common or most prominent kinds of people who participate in NaNoWriMo. Here we go!

1. Doesn't have an outline and freezes halfway through
Honestly, I sometimes feel this way even with an outline

2. Jumps in at the last minute
Me watching from a distance to see if you can make it

3. Is ready with a18-point plan months ahead of time
Mad respect, my friend

4. Writes 80k in week 1
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we all hate you. Seriously, why are you here?

5. Falls behind and has to write 249986893498 words in the final week
Only the spirits of good fortune can save you now

6. Steady steady wins the race
I'm proud of you, too. You're the normal one XD

7. The 5 am writer
Whether you get up at 5 am to write or if you write until 5 am, this is what you look like to the rest of us

8. The 'I wanna drop out and take my time, this novel is my magnum opus' one
You vs us who know that just getting the words on paper is the most important part

9. The one running on coffee, adrenaline, and prayer
Jk this one is all of us

10. Moodboard Mandy
Must. Select. the Right Aesthetic Picture

11. The brings laptop everywhere

12. The writing sprint warrior
Type! Them! Words!

13. Finishes the daily word count at 11:59 pm
Oh no baby, what is you doing??

14. The one that's adding filler in order to reach 50k
Live footage of the dialogue I write when I'm trying to reach the word count

15. The one that can't actually write 1.6k daily
Oh no

16. 'The finished draft will actually be 158k'
*literally cannot even imagine writing that many words*

If you enjoyed this...

Now you have to tell me which one you are. Leave a comment or your WIP is jinxed. :)


  1. Obviously the 18 point plan months ahead of time. I need to know what I'm writing in like, August.

  2. I'm definitely #9 and #15. The pain is real.


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