Watching the approach of NaNoWriMo, told in Trollhunters gifs

Why this post today, you ask?

I just wanted to do one of the 'told by gifs' posts again, ok?? Gifs are a gift to humanity(yes, the gif pun was intended) and they're great for meme-making when they're taken totally out of context. Furthermore, I just realized that this is the month I need to start brainstorming for November, and I chose Trollhunters gifs because obviously that show is absolutely amazing and Jim is my child and I would 100% take a bullet for any of the characters unless it's Merlin. *spits on the ground* May Merlin be eaten by a big ugly goblin.

One day you look up and realize that the beginning of NaNoWriMo is only 30 precious days away! *le gasp*

However you are a seasoned pro, so you know you'll be ready in time.

You feel ready to enter the world you've created in your head.

Until all of a sudden it's October.

Enter stress-eating

Live footage of prep season kicking your butt.

You try ranting about your troubles to your friends, but they're listening like:

Enter the endless questions. "I know you did this thing last year. Is it fun?"

"Is it hard?"

Luckily your writer buddies understand.

Someone who knows you too well asks if any of the characters are going to die, and you're like:

But internally you're like:

People try to invite you to things, but you have to work on that novel prep.

If nothing else, at least you have your novel playlist *ready*.

Once you're finally done the prep, you just have to prepare for self-isolation...

...And hope for the best.

So in conclusion, if you haven't seen Trollhunters, you need to. Just watch the first few episodes, I promise you'll be hooked.

Also, I'm watching November creep closer and doing a lot of nervous sweating. Gahhhhhhhh I'm worried. But then again, I always am, so that's nothing new.

Tell me, have you ever done NaNoWriMo before? What's the best Netflix show? Let's talk in the comments!


  1. I've done NaNo before! It went well except I had problem with the site and it counting my words properly cause it wasn't in English. And yes I have not watch this show but it looks cool.
    I don't know if it's on Netflix but the best show for me is Supernatural xd

    1. The word counter on that website is to be feared. I've had problems with it before myself XD


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