The Bag Test- A Fun Way To Flesh Out a Character
Those of you who have read Gail Carson Levin's book 'Writing Magic' will remember Gail's character questionnaire, and specifically, two unconventional questions on it. 1) Describe his/her room 2) Items in his/her pockets, backpack, or purse Most questionnaires don't have questions like these, and that's what made them stand out to me as a young writer. Why would one need to know either one of these things to understand the character, you may ask? Because they help us figure out what kind of person your character is, all based on what things they keep around them. Why it's important For example, the state of your character's room says something about their personality. If their room is messy, that tells us that their state of mind might be messy, or that they're currently too busy or distracted to clean, or that they're bad with responsibilities such as cleaning. And we could take it a step further from there. The room is messy, bu...