Remember This If You Have Depression

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a little nervous to post this list. I've posted things about mental health and depression in the past, but I've never talked about it with this level of transparency. And it scares me.

I guess a part of me maybe doesn't want to admit weakness like this, but without understanding your own weakness, you can't really get stronger. So we're going to do this.

Hurting yourself (losing sleep, undergoing physical strain just because you want to feel something, self-harm) ... it's not worth it. Paint over those wrists instead. Bake something. Create rather than destroy.

Having a horrible episode an hour after you were laughing and having a good time does not invalidate the fun you had earlier. Tears after a smile does not mean the smile wasn't real.

You aren't faking it. If you feel like this, it's real, and you need to treat it as such.

Your struggling is going to be more than one person's, and less than someone else's. Whether it's a little pain or a lot, of the amount of pain you feel does not make any difference. Pain is pain, and it hurts.

Take care of yourself physically. Depression is closely linked with your physical state. Go for a walk listening to some tunes. Drink your water. Sleep your eight hours. Taking care of yourself is not optional. When your body is weak is when your mental health is vulnerable.

Take it easy on your loved ones. It's okay to say that you don't know how to talk about it right now, or to tell them that you don't have the mental energy today. But please don't lash out at them or push them away. They love you. They want to help you. And they can't do that without your help.

Understand that not everyone is going to get it. There is only One who can really understand exactly how you feel, and while your loved ones might not get exactly what you're talking about, the fact that they're listening means they care, and listening can help them understand more fully.

Asking for help does not make you weak. It's scary, and it makes you afraid of how they might look at you, but asking for help is how you get better, and it's how they can know that you need them right now.

Keep a journal. Write down all the things that are making you feel this way, and then write down a few ideas of what you might do about it. This can help you sort out your thoughts, and it gets everything out of your head.

Pray. Read your Bible. Understand that God is with you, and He is watching over you. At the hard parts, that's where He's carrying you. You are never alone, and you are always loved by the one person who always understands what you're going through.

Some people can understand more than others. Talking about mental health might be where some people are weak. But there is always one or two people in your life that are there for you when you need their help. They can listen to you and help you find your way. They're there. Seek them out.

Understand that in time, this will go away and it will get better. Right now it hurts so much, but you just have to keep going. Your bright future is waiting for you.

Before we close, let me say one more thing. These are just my tips. If one or more of them doesn't help you, forget them. Your journey back to health is yours and yours alone. It's not mine, it's not anyone else's, what matters is that you get where you're headed.

And you can do it.


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