
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Bestiary Tag

Rachel of R's Loft  tagged me in this, and I am pumped to comply! Ironically, this sorta kinda lines up with what I wrote on Tuesday , which was a list of lesser-used mythical creatures you can use in place of overused ones. I must confess, I don't know who to tag at all because I don't know nearly as many people on the blogisphere as I should. Please tell me if you have any suggestions for me! Rules : 1. Include the graphic somewhere in the post and/or link back to Victoria. 2. Answer the questions on your blog. 3. Tag three or more fantasy lovers. The Questions 1.) What is your favorite mythical creature? Tough call. Probably dragons? I love the stabby flame-throwing aspect, but also when they are small and cute and curl around coffee cups. Dragons are  . 2.) When was the first time you heard of this beast? Um idk. Dragons are just kind of a thing you know about? I probably knew about them from Beowulf first since I was basically ra...

Lesser-Used Versions of Popular Mythical Creatures (A List)

I like talking about fantasy creatures. I've had a fetish for diverse mythology since I was really little, and I keep so many different bits of information inside my brain about fantasy, so I must! Share! Here's a list of lesser-known versions of some really cool fantasy creatures. Dark Faye. These are my favorite thing to talk about. Dark Faye are essentially full-size, super scary fairies that don't like anybody, sometimes not even themselves. They are divided into two courts: the Seelie and the Unseelie. The two courts always have conflicting goals, and they fight many wars over their differences. Once captured by them, you might as well give up. And we're not even going to talk about the money they pay with that turns into dry leaves once they've left. Sirens. You know mermaids, but how much do you know about sirens? They're commonly known as just beautiful women who sing romantic songs to sailors until they drive themselves to a shipwreck, ...

Tropes I'm Sick of VS Tropes I Never Get Tired Of

Paperfury  recently did a post on tropes she loves, and I really love posts like that, so here's mine. I also wanted to go into some tropes I'm super super done with, because I've been seeing some things that irk me recently, and I desperately need to make a lot of noise about them. So let's talk tropes. Tropes I'm sick of: Guy s shirtless scenes. Shirtless scenes in books are just starting to make me gag. Like, nobody involved is even embarrassed that one of them is partially undressed! So shallow. So done. *leaves* Characters fighting about tiny things. Friends, siblings, parents, love interests... anymore they're all fighting about all these itty bitty little things that really don't matter. You kept one tiny unimportant piece of knowledge from me? I dump you. I saw you spending time with a different friend instead of me? I'm not giving you time to explain! I never want to talk to you again! Like, shouldn't their relati...

My Werewolf Short Story is here! (Read it, it's free!)

As you may have heard me mention, but I have recently been polishing up a short story involving werewolves in New York City for the purpose of putting it on the blog for your enjoyment. Yes, I'm a weirdo, but a STOKED weirdo. Despite busy-ness, work, sickness and traveling, I have it finished and here on the blog in form of PDF, just for you! If you're not convinced by the idea of werewolves in NYC, here's the elevator pitch for you: Teenage New Yorker Ian Knight is heading home from a party when he hears footsteps behind him in the park. They're not human footsteps. Suddenly it seems he is the prisoner of a girl named Iris and her wolf companion, who are certainly not New Yorkers, and may not even be human. They're from another world. And they want Ian's help to get back. How do you hide a werewolf in New York City? Are ya excited yet??? Cuz I am!!!!!!! Added bonus to this story, it's scary but not overly so, and there's a decen...

Free Writer Wallpapers For Your Computer!

I've been wanting to put my amateur graphic design skills to the test again and make some pretty graphics for this blog again. So what I decided to do was make some computer wallpapers and even a few posters for your computer or writing area that you can download for free! So here you are! First the wallpapers! That second one is my personal favorite. :) Now for the posters! Doesn't that last poster just inspire you?  If you want to download or use any of these, just right-click on any of them and click save as.  If you're on your phone just press down on the image and a button that says download image  should appear. All of these should work fine as a desktop wallpaper or to print out as a poster, but if you want me to make any mobile wallpapers, just let me know! Now go! Write your novels! Be amazing! And I'll see you on Monday for another post!

A List of Quirks To Give Your Character

My all-time favorite way to make interesting characters is to give them a weird quirk or mannerism, like whistling, wearing three hair bands on the wrist for unknown reasons, stuff like that. Even if it barely makes it into the finished novel or (horror of horrors) doesn't make it into the finished novel at all, it adds to the feel of your character and gives you a fun vision for them. So let's find some character quirks for our sweet babies, shall we? 1. Gets attached to small, cute things and cries when something happens to those small, cute things. 2. Is easily irritated by one specific little thing (people pronouncing something wrong, tripping over things, beans in random foods) 3. Obsessed with a certain food, song or show. 4. Whistles or hums constantly. 5. Constantly eating. 6. Walks on tiptoes. 7. Refuses to buy anything regular price. 8. Extremely resilient to heat/cold. 9. Overly sympathetic. 10. Puts little braids in hair (could be a nerv...

How to Find/Draw Character Art For Your Cast of Characters

As many of you may already know, I am a little bit of an artist, and I'm also highly visually oriented, so having character art for my characters really helps me visualize them. In editing my current duology, I realized I had little more than some mild descriptions of my characters, and I couldn't really visualize any of them really well until book 2. That wasn't going to cut it. So I now have a Pinterest board full of reference pictures and a slowly growing collection of hand-drawn character art in my desk. If you're anything like me, you really need to  see  your characters in order to write them correctly. And whether you can draw or whether you can't, this post will definitely help you with that. So here we go! How to Find Character Art My top tip for finding character art? Pinterest! On Pinterest you can search the bare essentials of the picture you need(for example, 'Fantasy girl blonde'), and you will get a wide array of options. Keep d...

July Tweet Dump (Feat. the best people on Twitter)

Get a cat, they said. Writers have cats. It'll help you want to be home so you can get shit done on your WIP. #writerslife #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writing #amwriting #amwritingfiction Image credit to u/N8ER8TOR — Lesley Handel (@LesleyHandel) July 1, 2019 So the problem with the novel I'm editing is that it's really good, but it's also like a cheezy kid's movie and that's a problem. #writerproblems #amwriting #amediting — Scribbled Fiction (@ScribbldFiction) July 2, 2019 Me: I write books. Friend: Wow! I didn't know you had a talent for writing. Me: Well let's not get ahead of ourselves. #WritingCommunity #amwriting — Evans (@just_evans_) July 4, 2019 My favorite part of writing is burying little bits and pieces of myself in my novels and characters so that one day when I'm dead someone will open one of my books and I WILL BE SUMMONED FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE.' #writ...