How I Get Writing Done Around Work
Work. Let us sigh together. * world collectively sighs * My work schedule has been hectic lately. But somehow?? I have actually managed to more or less keep up with my writing?? Granted, there have been some unwelcome interruptions by things like colds... *glares* ...but I have more or less managed to keep up! Let's talk about some ways to keep up with your writing when work tries to get in the way. Tip #1: Write as much as you can before work. If you have any time before you have to go, utilize it! I would even recommend getting up a little early in order to get some done before you have to leave, so you can do it while your brain is still fresh. The added bonus to this is that you won't be worrying about the writing you're not doing while you're working because a lot of it will already be done! Tip #2: Use a dual-device system. Yes, I could have just said 'an app that is synced between your computer and your phone' because that's wha...