The Shared WIP Tag 3- The Antagonist

So we've got a small problem here because the book doesn't really have an antagonist. The main antagonist is time and circumstance, with a slightly more minor villain being people and general opinion.

So, this is the part where I answer the questions anyway and pretend I'm funny. Lets-a go! (excuse me while I also pretend I'm Mario)

Introduce the main antagonist (VILLAIN) of your book!

Sky, Time, Circumstance, (and also People and General Opinion), meet the readers! They're good people, don't beat them up. Hey, put that down!

Readers, meet, um, these people. I can't say much for them. They just are.

What do you (the writer) have in common with the antagonist?  What do you not have in common?

Last time I had something in common with Time was when I waved to him as he went past, so not a lot? What do we not have in common? Everything.

What does your antagonist do when he/she is mad?  Do they have a soft spot?

When the sky is mad, run for your lives, cuz we're likely to experience pumice. Or a monsoon. Or something. Soft spot? Nil.

Who is your antagonist’s worst enemy?  What is their greatest fear?

Time fears no man. And I doubt General Opinion does either. Circumstance isn't talking to me, idk.

What is your antagonist’s weapon of choice?

Um, Sky keeps chucking random pieces of satellite at us when the space station hits the satellites, would you believe that? So petty.

How would your antagonist surprise your reader?

Surprise?? What do you call chucking random pieces of satellites??

What is one thing your villain would never do?

Talk, apparently. I'm doing all the talking here.

What is your favorite thing about your antagonist?

Well, writing the dialogue for all of them wasn't that hard, I guess. Also they add some nice tension to the story. Idk.

If your antagonist was your MC, what would your book look like?

Thus concludes my attempt at humor. Is everyone amused??

If not, here's a gif of Kronk doing the thing:

And Jack-Jack also having no clue what the heck I was trying to achieve:

How are things in your WIP? Swimmingly? Full of dead people? Just as I thought. Tell me about it in the comments!

The first couple parts of the WIP tag:


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