Dear Teen Writer

Dear Teen Writer,

Doesn't matter who you are. Doesn't matter how old, or how smart, or how experienced you are. Doesn't matter if you're black, white, yellow, purple, or the color of a banana that's not quite ripe yet.

You can do this.

I know how you're feeling, about writing, about life, about all of it. I've been there. I was there for such a long time. So believe me when I tell you this:

You can do this.

You can go wherever you want to go, do whatever you want to do, you can write that novel, you can one day use your money to help kids in other countries and travel the world teaching little ones how to write. You can.

I know right now, everything inside and out is changing so much that it feels like everything might fall apart. I know that it feels like you hate everything you once loved. But you just have to wait until you come out the other side. Will everything make sense the second it's over?


But things will even out. If your love of writing is strong enough, it'll stick around. I know right now you don't know what to write, and even when you do, the words don't come the way they used to.

That's okay.

Your teenage years are going to be the hardest part of your life. You're young and you're vulnerable and you think you might have figured everything out, but deep down you know you still know nothing.

And it sucks. Yeah. It does. The days might feel long sometimes, and sometimes you wonder if you're going to make it. And I'm here to tell you that of course you are. Everything is changing, yes, but in all the best ways. You're becoming an updated version of you. You're changing into the person that you're going to be for the rest of your life.

And you've got to learn to like that person. Because these changes are for the better.

So don't stop. Don't stop doing anything. If you want to keep writing, keep writing. If you want a break, take it. But I promise it gets better. Just hang in there.

You can do this.

Only you can do this.

Dear Teen Writer,

It's going to be okay.

I promise.


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