NaNoWriMo: Week 3 Update (dang this novel's gonna be long)

Where are you on your word count, my writing warriors? You are fierce, don't stop writing!

This week has been a little easier for me. However, I caught a cold, so there were a couple days where I barely made the word count and no more while I'm trying to write 2,000 words a day. But good news! The writing is going a lot easier because now my conflict has arrived! Remember how I said I had no conflict, so it was going slow as heck? I have that problem no more, and I am pleased!

Okay, now the reason why I'm trying to write at least 2,000 words a day: This novel is turning out long. I've more than passed the 30,000-word mark, and I haven't even reached my midpoint yet. It's a kid's book, but it might turn out to be the longest thing I've ever written. It is lengthy. And I might be adding a few too many scenes, but the novel is seriously doing this on its own. I was seriously blindsided by the length of this. And I love a manuscript turning out longer than expected as much as the next person, but I have an editing project I need to finish once we reach December! An editing project I needed finished back in September! I need to finish this novel ASAP.

So write, write, my little fingers! Write until you fall off!!!

Word Count Update

As of the day I am posting this, I have reached 35,770 words!!! Once again, I feel like this is a great accomplishment since I am over 2 days ahead of schedule, but it's going to take more than that for this thing to be finished by the end of the month. I might have to update my daily word count to 25 hundred words instead...


This week: Doctor Who themed!

Me realizing how much I'm going to have to write every day to finish the story:

The attitude I bring to starting the word count every day:

My brain trying to transmit to me what I'm thinking:
vs my response:

K I'm done being weird now.

How far are you on your word count, NaNo or otherwise? I seriously wanna hear about it, so take a moment to talk to me! Comments go down below!

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  1. Ohh that must be exciting having a story beef itself up like that, Bethany! My books, alas, are always pitifully short. :( I finally caught up with my flagging word count yesterday--juuust past the 30k mark--but will need to write write write tonight if I want to keep from falling behind again.

    1. I know I always have the same problem! Normally reaching 50k is super hard for me too! That's why this is such a momentous occasion. This never happens to me. But keep going! You'll make it there!


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