Why Cruella was a good movie, and you can't tell me otherwise
This post is in defense of Cruella. Y'know, the Disney movie. Let's have some quick backstory. My sister and I saw the Cruella trailers, and frankly, it looked fantastic, so we took a Friday afternoon to see it after we both got off work. We saw the full movie, and while it had a few flaws like all movies, we walked away thinking it was a great movie. So now that I'm seeing so many people roasting it on social media, my brain is in a state of ?????? So here I am, ready to defend it for the awesome movie it was. For myself, I have to say that my only qualm with the movie is that it wasn't dark enough . Disney holds back their movies a little too much these days I think, which doesn't make any sense after they've already made movies like the Dark Cauldron or Maleficent. Watching Cruella, I got the feeling that the writers wanted to push it further and make it darker, but my suspicion is that Disney wouldn't let them, what with their 'audience standards...