Have you rewarded your writing recently?
It's simple: effort without reward = no fun. Have you stopped to reward yourself for writing recently? Have you ever stopped to reward yourself for writing? Have you finished a tough scene, or reached a word goal, or done something hard, and then rewarded yourself for it? You should. As a writer, you are your own boss, and you need to be a fair one. Effort merits reward. Finishing on time deserves a pat on the back. A reward can be anything. It can be a quick YouTube video after finishing your writing session for the day. It can be a Saturday off if you consistently write every day, Monday through Friday. It can be a face mask at the end of the day because you want one. Even 20 minutes of free reading time in the evening will suffice. But make sure you reward yourself. Be a fair boss. Your brain is working hard here. And I'm talking to myself here as well as you. I'm terrible at telling myself I did well. I'm terrible at making sure I get rewarded for my hard work. I...