Subtle Details You Can Add To Your Character's Look (A List)
Here's something I've noticed from years of writing and reading: One small and perfect detail can help you envision a character's whole appearance. If a character's appearance feels bland, or if you feel like you just can't 'see' them in your mind's eye, adding something as simple as a nose shape or a necklace can suddenly bring it all together. That one detail establishes the basic gist of your character's appearance to the reader, and their mind will then take over and fill in all kinds of fun little details from there. It's incredible! And it only takes one small extra step on your part. Here's an example of this technique in action. We start off with a very simple description. He was tall and blond, in jeans and a t-shirt. Not so interesting, not so memorable. He could use some help. Add a small and unique detail. He was tall and blond, in jeans and a band t-shirt, with a diamond earring in his right ear. And there it is!...