October Wrapup

Well, another month has come and gone. It feels like Preptober just began, but here we are, with NaNoWriMo beginning tomorrow!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! (<= that was a scream of terror because despite all the preparation I'm very afraid I'm going to screw this novel up) I don't feel like it's been too exciting of a month, but I find that my months are always much more interesting in review, so let's dive in. Writing I did get *some* more work done on Jack, Thief's Son , but not as much as there could have been. Fortunately, taking a break from other projects is allowed since it is October and therefore a month devoted almost entirely to NaNoWriMo prep. The mess I made while trying to write an outline Since(as I've mentioned before) I started working on the prewriting for this novel about a year ago, a lot of it was already done before we got to November. So this month I basically just had to do the plot work and the playlist and stuff. Today I...