The Writer's Water Cycle (my first humor video!)
I've been debating for a little while about whether I should switch this blog over to a YouTube channel. This is for two reasons: I'm more used to YouTube than blogging, and I'm more used to YouTube than blogging. I've been working on YouTube on my own channel as well as several other channels for more than four and a half years now, and I'm comfortable on the platform by now. I can't help but feel like YouTube would work well for me. But on the other hand, if I switched over from blogging to YouTube, there would be two problems with that. #1: I work better with words than with talking out loud. I know this from the entire minutes of silence I've cut out of any video where I have to talk. Not only that, but if I have something to say, I'm better off writing it down and arranging the words I want the way I want than embarrassing myself fuddling it out aloud. #2. YouTube videos are time-consuming to make. Making high-quality YouTube content takes a...