
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Writer's Water Cycle (my first humor video!)

I've been debating for a little while about whether I should switch this blog over to a YouTube channel. This is for two reasons: I'm more used to YouTube than blogging, and I'm more used to YouTube than blogging. I've been working on YouTube on my own  channel  as well as several other channels for more than four and a half years now, and I'm comfortable on the platform by now. I can't help but feel like YouTube would work well for me. But on the other hand, if I switched over from blogging to YouTube, there would be two problems with that. #1: I work better with words than with talking out loud. I know this from the entire minutes of silence I've cut out of any video where I have to talk. Not only that, but if I have something to say, I'm better off writing it down and arranging the words I want the way I want than embarrassing myself fuddling it out aloud. #2. YouTube videos are time-consuming to make. Making high-quality YouTube content takes a...

My Thoughts on Writing Every Day

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels Apologies for my complete brain fart yesterday. I forgot to post this. My bad. Let's just continue as though I had posted this on Tuesday, shall we? We will now carry on. Should you write every day? Short answer: I think you should  write every day, but I don't think you have to write every day . You're welcome. Now that you're thoroughly confused, let me give you the long answer. I'm not saying I'm super consistent with my writing now, but I was more  inconsistent when I started out, okay? I would write however much I felt like, when  I felt like. (this post is off to a great start. look at all those overused italics.) Sometimes, I wouldn't write two sentences collectively for a week. Sometimes, and this was very rarely, I would write ten pages in one day. Yeah, big woop for the people who write 10k every day, but for me it's still a big deal. Eventually, I figured out I needed a rhythm if ...

The writer's cycle of doubt in gifs

Sure, this post might not make you feel better about your own writing doubts, but there's at least a 50% chance it won't make you feel any worse. So here we go. We all have this cycle between doubt and 'yay me!' going on in our heads. I don't know about you, but I think my brain spends a lot of time at the top and the bottom and less time in all the transition stages. I don't transition. I extreme-ify .Transitions are for people who transition. (btw, when you're done reading this, let me know in the comments which stage(s) you spend the most time stuck at. i really wanna know) Now let's go through the varying stages. 1. This is really good! I love it! 2. It's. . . it's not bad, I guess. sorry, but the abruptness of this gif makes me giggle. 3. It's okay. *slowly stops smiling* 4. Oh my gosh, this is awful. 5. Well, I guess it's not that bad. 6 It's actually kinda good. ...

Writing Realistic: Learning to Drive

I GOT A QUESTION! (couldn't find a stupid gif of that vine, so gkjdakjfdajkdfkjsdkjl;sdf) If it's so hard to learn to drive properly, how come eleven-year-olds in movies drive like pros the second they touch the steering wheel? Imma tell ya right now, it wouldn't work too well. Even if they could get away with it, it wouldn't be this: It would be a lot more like this: or even this: Earth to Echo  amused me the most because all four twelve-year-olds got into a car and automatically looked it up on WikiHow. I found it hilarious, because that's America for you. But the fact still remains that after they ran into a trash can the first time, they drove fine after that. I'm no expert, but I think you'd have to practice driving for like three days straight before you could pass for a good driver on the roads. Once you get up to speed, you can stay there all right, but starting and stopping is a nightmare when you're first learning. All the ...